9 Best Exercises to Reduce Love Handles Fast at Home

Love handles are the excess fat deposits on the sides of the waist. It is caused mainly due to poor eating habits, junk food intake and alcohol consumption. Women also undergo a lot of hormonal changes when preparing the body for childbirth, which is again a reason that contributes to love handles. Thorough best exercises and food habits we can lose love handles in a week time. Let’s see the best exercises for love handles.

Best Love Handle Workouts:

Here are a few exercises which can help you reduce the love handles and tone them to have the perfect curves of your dreams. Follow them rigorously to get rid of love handles.

1. Bicycle Crunch:

Bicycle crunches help reduce waistline and visibly reduce love handles in 3-4 weeks of continuous exercise.

To Perform:
  • Lie down flat on the back and pull the legs inwards, with knees folded and hands above the head
  • Now lift the right leg and try to touch the knees to the left elbow, lift upper body simultaneously
    Get back to normal position and repeat with the other leg
  • Do this 25-30 times for both the sides. Do not thread fingers behind the head. It may cause jerking on the neck.

2. Plank Crunch – Sideways:

The level of difficulty for this particular exercise is higher than others, but it is an excellent work out to get rid of the love handles.

To Perform:
  • Lie sideways lifting the upper body on the left elbow and legs resting one over the other
  • Now raise the hips to have the head, hips and legs in a straight line (the plank position)
  • Put the right hand over the head with elbow folded
  • Now lift only your right leg and bend the right elbow to touch them both
  • Hold for 2 seconds and get back to plank position
Do this on both sides for 20 times in sets of 10. See the results in a matter of 4-5 weeks.

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